Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If they chewed up everything, what would you do?

Three pairs of flip flops. One pair of crocs. Tubing to a $250 post-surgical cooling system on loan from a neighbor. Countless children's toys (drum sticks, books, boxes of pretend food). A tube of toothpaste (which fortunately was not pierced enough to eat). My other half's business cards.
A hippity hop. A car window visor. Manny Bear's hand. Monkey's hand. Drink straws. An eyeglass cleaning cloth.

You thought I was talking about one of my dogs, didn't you?

No, I was talking about M.

Today is one of those days where I am reminded of how much I hate autism. These things weren't all chewed on in one day, fortunately, but today's chewing was so incessant that I lost it *a tiny bit more* than days past.

Give me my kid back!


little miss mel said...

I did think you were talking about one of your many dogs.

Sorry girl.

Is chewing just his thing?? New school, new year?

Amber said...

I'm so sorry! It sounds like you are having a terrible day. I hope you get a chance to have a big glass of wine later!

gwendomama said...

oh honeys.

i don't know what to say, other than get more of that ABA ASAP and in the meantime, howabout a basket of chew toys?
